New Changes of Appointment and Dismissal of State – Owned Company Directorship

Legal Review
New Regulation Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia Number Per - 11/MBU/07/2021 Concerning Requirements, Procedures for Appointment, and Dismissal of Members of the Board of Directors of State-Owned Enterprises revokes the old regulation concerning same matter The new regulation institutes new ways in process selection of top executives for Indonesia’s state enterprises aims to improve quality and accountability in processing selection of new appointee of directorship. This changes also changes the talent management as following:1. Talent managementTalent management is a system implemented for management and development in selecting State Owned Enterprises (hereinafter called “ SOE”) Directors. It lays out stages and procedures carried out through  screening, selection, assessment, classification, development and mobility.a. Talent SourcesPotential candidates directors may come from Prospective Ministry candidates, Prospective SOE…
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