Corporation, Property and Real Estate
PROCEDURE AND MECHANISM OF PURCHASING LAND IN INDONESIA Land sale and purchase is a transaction that must involve public officials.  Unlike movable object transactions such as buying, television, tables and other goods, when agreement on the price is met, payment made by the buyer, the ownership status is automatically by law is transferred. The buyer as new owner has legal ownership over the good or service and may take it.  Land and buildings however are different, they are immovable objects and its transaction made with specific terms.  Even though the buyer agrees on the price and might had made payment in cash and in full to the seller, the land/buildings ownership however are remain unchanged if not comply with the law that regulates it. The transaction does not create transfer…
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Second Home Visa Indonesia

Legal Review
Surat Edaran Number IMI-0740.GR.01.01 of 2022 concerning the Granting of Visas and Limited Stay Permits for Second Homes Indonesia continues to pursue its goal of attracting foreign investors into the country. On October 25, 2022, the Directorate General of Immigration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia officially issued a new policy, namely a second home visa. This policy is stated in Surat Edaran Number IMI-0740.GR.01.01 of 2022 concerning the Granting of Visas and Limited Stay Permits for Second Homes which aims to attract foreign tourists to come to Bali and various other destinations. He further explained that the Second Home Visa is not a substitute for Lansia Visa (retirement Visa) Second Home Visa which specifically provides facilities for middle to upper class foreigners, be it…
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The Mechanism for Filing A Civil Lawsuit in Indonesia

Legal Review
How to file lawsuit in Indonesia Filing law suit can be less stress when you know the procedure and mechanism. Here are six steps to follow through to make your lawsuit goes smoother.    First, Lawsuit RegistrationThe first step that the prospective plaintiff must take is to file a civil lawsuit by registering a lawsuit with the court. According to Article 118 paragraph (1) of HIR, the registration of the lawsuit is submitted to the District Court based on its relative competence.The relative competition is meant to determine which district court has the authority to handle the case. The method of determining the relative competence is based on the residence of the defendant (the party being sued in the case) or the legal domicile designated in the agreement. The lawsuit should…
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